LISP I Locators donate school materials to local elementary school

LISP I Locators Association (LLAI-I) formalized its partnership with Pamantasan ng Cabuyao (PnC) and Cabuyao Institute of Technology for an Industry-Academe Linkage Project through a Memorandum of Agreement outlining contextualization of curriculum, and immersion of the students and faculty. The signing ceremony led by Cabuyao Mayor Hon. Mel Gecolea was held last September 15, 2021. […]

LISP I Locators Association partners with local schools for Industry-Acadame Linkage Project

In coordination with ICCP Group Foundation, Inc., the Association of Human Resources Practitioners and Administration (AHRPA) in LISP I donated 20 boxes of school supplies to Pittland Elementary School in Cabuyao, Laguna. The school supplies composed of bond papers, ball pens, folders etc. will be used for development of modules for students who are still […]

Community assistance for informal settlers

Soldiering on to carry out special humanitarian initiatives for its host communities, the ICCP Group Foundation, Inc. extended community assistance in two informal settlers area outside Light Industry & Science Park I – Sitio Pinagtagpo and Sitio Pinaglayo, Brgy. Diezmo, Calamba, Laguna. IGFI distributed sacks of rice to 205 families. As part of the Group’s […]

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